FANTASTIC BREAKING NEWS: Golden State Water Lost Again!
First, Ojai won in lower court when Golden State Water sued to prevent Casitas Water from taking over the system. Second, GSW appealed that decision in appellate court and lost.
Today, the State Supreme Court refused to hear GSW’s final appeal. Ojai and Claremont are now free to proceed against GSW. This is a huge blow to Golden State Water, and their high priced legal team. This is a very important result.
Now if the majority of GSW customers in our Cowan Heights System truly want GSW gone, it can be done!
May 6th Community Meeting Was A Success!
Support Us Thank You! We are asking each homeowner to donate $100 (or whatever they are able) to STOP-THE-RIPOFF - to show their support in OUSTING Golden State Water. We are using these funds ONLY to print and mail out flyers to educate our ~2500-home community, print STOP-THE-RIPOFF signs which are strategically placed throughout the community to create awareness, other marketing materials (window decals are coming!!) plus obtain Legal Counsel. Now that we're in the "high water bill" summer months AND with the recent 16% rate hikes, $100 is a very small fraction of most of our homeowners' bills. This project needs your support to be successful. Thank you! And Thank You for your community support! We can't do this without you!
Please spread the word on your street and get to know your neighbors. And don't forget to enter our Let's Be Heard Summer Lottery! to win GREAT Prizes |